Holding Space

Owl Flying

Paths Crossing
Artist Statement for Making Space Show
at Homewood Galleries in 2024
at Homewood Galleries in 2024
Marbling art at its base is about making space. The artist drops paint on the surface of a liquid to begin the process. Each color has a different surface tension so it will not blend with the other drops and relates to drops of other colors differently as they vie for space on the surface of the tank. Once all the colors have been dropped, the artist uses combs and/or a stylus to move the paint around making shapes.
I have been drawn to marbling as an art form since I first saw it done some twenty years ago. It is a magical, contemplative process that is part of the decorative arts tradition most commonly used in the 17th through the 19th centuries as book decoration. Now it is considered an endangered craft by the British Heritage Crafts Council. Today’s materials bring marbling to new levels of precision while its role in the art world has diminished.
My work strives to bring its beauty and mystery to a larger audience and encourage other artists to learn the process. My early work explored patterns and color. That has led me to exploring negative space, building sequences to communicate the magic, experimenting with creating depth, and moving past the traditional limits and rules of marbling.