Invisibility, oil on board, 2024, 18”x 24"

Tranquil Lines a, alcohol ink, 2024, 6”x 6”

Tranquil Lines b, alcohol ink, 2024, 6”x 6”

Tranquil Lines c, alcohol ink, 2024, 6”x 6”

Tranquil Lines d, alcohol ink, 2024, 6”x 6”
Statement for 12th Resident Artists Show, Holding Space
After decades of painting, I wanted to return to the beginning, the state of mind at the time when I started painting. The spaciousness of Minnesota’s landscape inspired me to paint. I had never seen such enormous fields spreading to the horizon and the open sky beyond till I came to Minnesota. In a way, I was impressed largely by horizontal lines in the landscape that made me feel infinite possibilities and freedom in peaceful air. These horizontal lines became the motif of my paintings in this show as they are holding space in my mind.